Air travel

Airports nearest to Huddersfield

Journey times are based on the fastest possible routes when there are no delays. Additional time should be added to allow for any delays, particularly at peak commuter hours. Manchester Airport is the only one of these airports to have a railway station. The others have a combination of train and bus access, but taking considerably longer than access by car.

Leeds Bradford Airport

45 mins (car)
55 mins - 1hr 14mins (# rail to Leeds +bus)

Manchester Airport

48 mins (car)
59 mins (rail to Manchester Airport)

Liverpool John Lennon Airport

1hr 5mins (car)
1hr 45mins (# rail to Liverpool South Parkway +bus)

Doncaster Sheffield Airport (Robin Hood)

Doncaster Sheffield Airport closed to passenger flights in November 2022.
1hr 6mins (car)
1hr 47mins (# rail to Doncaster +bus)

Humberside Airport

1hr 17mins (car)
2hr 29mins (# rail to Hull +bus)

East Midlands Airport

1hr 21mins (car)
2hr 51mins (# rail to Derby +bus)

KEY: # No station at airport. Rail and bus connection only

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