Local elections 2024      May 2, 2024

Labour lost overall controi of Kirklees Council in the election on Thursday May 2, 2024 after gains by Independents, Liberal Democrats and the Green Party.

The count took place on Friday afternoon of votes in the 23 council wards where one of three councillors was being elected in each area.

Labour had a net loss of a vital three seats despite making a gain from the Conservatives in Holme Valley South.

Huddersfield Town HallIndependents made gains in Batley West, Dewsbury South, Dewsbury West and Heckmondwike wards. There were gains for the Liberal Democrats in Almondbury and Lindley and the Green Party gained a fourth seat on the council in the Crosland Moor and Netherton ward.

There was a turnout of 35.12% of voters across the Kirklees district where there are 317,939 people eligible to vote.

Labour and Labour and Co-operative members now have 31 of the 69 council seats, the Conservatives are still the second largest party with 15 seats, Liberal Democrats have 10 seats, the Green Party now have 4 seats, Kirklees Community Independents Group 3 seats and Independents 6 seats.

The mayoral election resultsThere was also an election for the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Mayor on Thursday. That vote was counted on Saturday with Tracy Brabin, the Labour and Co-operative candidate, re-elected for a four-year term.

In parts of the Denby Dale Parish Council and Holme Valley Parish Council areas there was a third ballot paper as elections of a parish councillor took place in the Clayton West and Upper Holme Valley wards.

Before the pre-election retirements of a third of Kirklees Council it was made up of 35 Labour and Labour and Co-operative members, 18 Conservatives, 8 Liberal Democrats, 4 Kirklees Community Independents Group, 3 Green Party and one Independent. That gave Labour a slim overall majority on the 69-seat council.

The local election may be the first of two this year. The date of a General Election of MPs has not yet been announced but is required to be held before January 28, 2025.

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