Calls for a 'Plan B' on HRI proposal April 18, 2016

Crowds were left to chant 'Save our A&E' from outside with not enough seat-space for everybody at the John Smith's Stadium when the Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) organised a public meeting on April 18. The meeting was about plans which would see the end of Accident and Emergency services at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.

Hundreds filled the conference suite at the Stadium, with some watching the proceedings by video from an overflow room. Glossy 44-page brochures were set out for all, detailing the proposal on which the public are now being consulted.

Many were able to ask questions during a meeting lasting around two-and-a-half hours and the area's MPs, Huddersfield MP Barry Sheerman and Colne Valley MP Jason McCartney, were among those speaking out against the proposals.

A panel made up of representatives of Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, Greater Huddersfield CCG and Calderdale CCG provided answers as the public demanded facts about what appeared to many there as a decision already made. It was clear from the applause each time the issue was raised that the vast majority of those present wanted to see a 'Plan B'.

Under the plans, there would be two "Urgent Care Centres" one at Calderdale Royal Hospital and one at the Acre Mills site opposite the present Huddersfield Royal Infirmary building in Lindley, Huddersfield. All emergency, acute and high risk planned care would go to Calderdale Royal Hospital.

Huddersfield had its biggest rally and march in living history on Saturday February 27 in opposition to the plans when many thousands of people gathered in St George's Square and marched around the town. There was also a debate on HRI in the House of Commons on Tuesday February 2.

There have been widespread concerns about the closure of A&E services for an area with the population and extent of the Huddersfield area and there are genuine fears that lives will be lost in considerably longer ambulance journey times on the often traffic-choked route to Halifax. The moves will create journey times of 30 to 40 minutes from some parts of Greater Huddersfield CCG area to Calderdale Royal Hospital. Questions have also been raised as to whether placing services at just one hospital will provide anywhere near the capacity to deal with all patients from Calderdale and from Huddersfield.

Details of the consultation document can be found at the website. Members of the public, patients and staff have until June 21, 2016 to make their views known.

Also in the archive

Health Secretary to visit Kirklees hospitals. See Hospitals visit November 17, 2017

Hospital plans to be referred to minister. See HRI referral July 21, 2017

Walk out at public meeting. See HRI plan public meeting June 6, 2016

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