Stay safe from the Kirklees Council parking enforcers September 1, 2020

With the town's multi-storey car park closed since February and a Covid-19 suspension of street parking charges since June 15, the Kirklees Council parking coffers must surely be feeling the pinch.

The council's parking enforcers are nevertheless finding new means by which they can place their sticky plastic bags on car windscreens.

A dynamic duo were able to do so with all three cars in this line-up at what had been a long-established pay to park spot on the ring road at Queensgate near to the multi-storey. Cars there are now being regularly targeted by parking enforcers.

For years the council has provided a ticket machine for just these three spaces and it is still there, showing its 'P' for parking, and until August 31 covered only with a standard notice on all street ticket machines of "No parking charges from 15 June to the 31 August" together with the message "Be kind, give each other space and stay safe".

But beware, while there is no yellow stripe at the edge of this section of lay-by nor any markings of TAXIS on the road surface, just across the footpath and at the far side of the cycle way, there has been a subtle change in the small sign on the post which now reads "No stopping except taxis" and "Stand for 3 taxis".

To confuse motorists further, a Clearway End side has been left incorrectly angled parallel to the road next to the lay-by.

So watch out for the council continuing to show this kind of kindness for any parking bad habits.

You might also need to watch out for when the Covid-19 parking charge suspension period now ends across the town. Signs on parking machines had until recently shown an end date of August 31, but signs have now been replaced with an undated version of "No parking charges".

That includes this new notice being stuck on the Queensgate ticket machine, while its 'P' signs remain on show!


Since this article was archived, TAXIS has been painted on the road surface, the 'P' signs on the ticket machine covered and other information on the ticket machine removed. Further changes have been made to parking terms in areas which are normally metered in other locations.

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